5 août 2020




1.The COVID-19 pandemic has led States to adopt measures to curtail the outbreak: travel restrictions, lockdown restrictions, shut down of non-essential businesses and borders, suspension of toll fees on road networks;1 restrictions on renewable energy production,2 and many related measures. Although criticism and debate has surrounded such measures, this article does not seek to comment on their nature and content. Rather, this article explores the possible avenues States and investors may take in resolving their disputes, since some measures have affected foreign investors and could result in a surge of claims for breaches of international law.

2. Some groups, such as the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment, have called for a moratorium on arbitration claims by private corporations against governments, arguing for a “permanent restriction on all arbitration claims related to government measures targeting health, economic, and social dimensions of the pandemic and its effects.3 However, it is also arguable that foreign investors are likely to claim compensation for harm suffered as a result of measures implemented to contain the epidemic.

3. Under these conditions, practitioners should consider which protection standards investors might invoke in the context of an investment arbitration, and which defences States might use.

II. Standards of protection likely to be invoked by investors

A. Expropriation

4. Under the above circumstances, investors might choose to invoke the prohibition on direct4 or indirect expropriation5 without compensation. Such investors would have to prove that COVID-19 related restrictions (even if temporary) substantially and permanently deprived them of their investment, or at least had an irreversible effect thereon.6

B. Fair and Equitable Treatment

5. Investors might also choose to invoke a violation of the principle of Fair and Equitable Treatment (FET). Such arguments would occur on the basis that the measures implemented by the States were discriminatory, arbitrary, unreasonable or disproportionate.7 For instance, some investors have mentioned possible investment treaty arbitrations against Mexico following the adoption of restrictions of renewable energy production; indeed, the majority of renewable energy producers are privately owned and operated whereas conventional electricity generational facilities are state-owned, making it possible for the investor to argue that the measure is discriminatory and therefore violates the fair and equitable treatment standard.8

C. Full Protection and Security

6. Investors might also choose to argue a violation of the full protection and security standard, which compels the State to take all measures of precaution to protect the investment in its territory.9 Under these circumstances, an investor may choose to allege a relevant State’s failure to contain the spread of the virus. 

D. National Treatment Standard

7. Investors might also choose to invoke a violation of the National Treatment standard. In such circumstances, investors might invoke this standard against States that afforded aid to nationals during the pandemic, as opposed to foreign entities.

III. Possible State defences

A. Special provisions

8. States might choose to rely on the provisions of applicable treaties that allow the adoption of measures in certain circumstances that would otherwise be in violation of the State’s treaty obligations, such as, for example, when public health is at stake.10 In recent years, investment treaties have started to provide provisions preventing claims when measures are taken by the States to protect public health.11

B. Customary international law - State of necessity, force majeure, distress

9. States might also choose to rely on the International Law Commission’s (ILCs) Articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts (2001), to avoid liability towards investors in relation to the pandemic. 

10. A possibility is that States might choose to invoke the defence of Necessity (Article 25 of the ILC Articles), which requires a State to prove that several (cumulative) conditions are met: (i) the measure adopted was the only way for the State to safeguard an essential interest against a grave an imminent peril; (ii) the measure did not seriously impair another essential interest; and (iii) the State has not contributed to the situation of Necessity. For example, the defence of Necessity was invoked by Argentina in relation to its 2001-2002 economic crisis, which resulted in several investments arbitrations.13

11. Another possible defence that States might elect to use is Force Majeure (Article 23 of the ILC Articles). While States might be able to argue that the pandemic, which is an external factor, meets the Force Majeure criterion of unforeseeability, they may still be required to show that the pandemic prevented them from performing their obligations towards the investors. Such an exception was invoked, unsuccessfully, by Venezuela in the Autopista v. Venezuela arbitration in relation to the 1997 civil unrest, the tribunal having found that the event was not unforeseeable for Venezuela.14 It is also notable that in an interim order dated 20 May 2020 (RG n°2020016407), the President of the Paris Commercial Court found that “the spread of the virus is clearly external to the parties, that it is irresistible and that it was unforeseeable as evidenced by the suddenness and extent of its appearance”, so that the conditions for Force Majeure, as defined in the contract binding the parties, were “manifestly met".15 This decision is one of the very first to have qualified, in commercial terms, the Covid-19 pandemic as Force Majeure.16

12. States might also choose to argue Distress (Article 24 of the ILC Articles), although it is possible that States will struggle to invoke this defence on the grounds of a pandemic since “[i]t does not extend to […] general cases of emergencies, which are more a matter of necessity than distress.17

C. Police powers doctrine

13. States might also choose to try to rely on the Police Powers doctrine18 in order to argue justification for the disputed measures and also in attempt to avoid being held liable for a breach of protection standards.


Dugan, Ch., Wallace, D., Rubins, N. and Sabahi, B., Investor-State Arbitration, Oxford University Press USA, 2012, p. 450.

Dolzer, R., Indirect expropriation, New Developments?, Environmental Law Journal, Vol. 11, 2002, p. 65.

VI Expropriation, in Dolzer, R. and Schreuer, C. (eds.), Principles of International Investment Law, Oxford University Press, 2008.

Schreuer, C., Fair and Equitable Treatment in Arbitral Practice, Journal of World Investment & Trade, Vol. 6, Issue 3, 2005, pp. 357, 384.

OECD, “Indirect Expropriation” and the “Right to Regulatein International Investment Law, OECD Working Papers on International Investment, 2004/4, September 2004, (RLA-238).

Chapter 12 - The plea of necessity under customary international law: A critical review in light of the Argentine cases, in Brown, C. and Miles K. (eds.) Evolution in Investment Treaty Law and Arbitration, Cambridge University Press, pp. 246-270.

Chapter 4: Force Majeure, Excuse, Section 8: Individual Requirements of the Force Majeure Excuse, in Brunner, C. (ed.), Force Majeure and Hardship under General Contract Principles: Exemption for Nonperformance in International Arbitration, International Arbitration Law Library, Vol. 18, Kluwer Law International, 2008.

Hailes, O., Epidemic Sovereignty? Contesting investment treaty claims arising from coronavirus measures, EJIL:Talk!, Blog of the European Journal of International Law, March 27, 2020.

Bento, L. and Chen, J., Investment Treaty Claims in Pandemic Times: Potential Claims and Defenses, Kluwer Arbitration Blog, April 8, 2020.

Diamond, N.J., Pandemics, Emergency Measures, and ISDS, Kluwer Arbitration Blog, April 13, 2020.

Bakry, A., The COVID-19 Crisis and Investment Arbitration: A Reflection From the Developing Countries, Kluwer Arbitration Blog, April 21, 2020.

30 juillet 2020


The emergence of Covid-19 has - and will have - many repercussions on international trade and more generally on the business world, especially because of the sudden establishment of total containment in many countries, stopping so-called "non-essential" activities[1].

Many companies have found themselves unable to perform their contracts. On 28 February 2020, the Minister of the Economy and Finance, Bruno Lemaire, stated at a meeting with the social partners: "The State considers the coronavirus to be a case of force majeure for companies"[2].  But how many have been exonerated from the consequences of not fulfilling their obligations? Although the concept of force majeure or "act of God" is internationally recognized, its application is not harmonized at the international level, particularly given the troubled times we are going through. 

What is the current panorama of force majeure allowing - or not - companies prevented from being penalized because of their inability to perform?

Force majeure, a legal tool at the service of prevented companies? 

A force majeure event is generally defined as an event that is beyond a person's control and that does not depend on his control. It is thus characterized by two elements in French law: its unpredictability and its irresistibility[3].

In case of force majeure, the debtor can be exonerated from his liability for non-performance of his obligations temporarily or definitively[4]. It should be noted that case law however traditionally rejects the qualification of force majeure to justify the non-performance of an obligation to pay a sum of money[5].

This possible exemption may have important consequences on a business relationship, so that force majeure is generally defined by law, as it is the case in France, in Article 1218 of the Civil Code[6].

However, the contracting parties are not bound by the definition contained in Article 1218 of the Civil Code and can, therefore, set it aside or modify it, a clause extending the cases of force majeure being valid between professionals[7].

Force majeure may thus be provided for by a contractual clause defining or specifying the conditions allowing a party to be partially or exonerated from its contractual obligations.  These clauses come in different forms.

They may include an exhaustive list of events that can be qualified as force majeure.

Thus, certain clauses expressly mention "epidemics" or "pandemics", which will enable the parties to invoke exemption from their obligations under Covid-19.

Some clauses provide that the parties will be exonerated from their obligations by "act of government"[8]. Does a containment decide by a state enter into this case of force majeure?

Sometimes, the contractual clause does not mention particular events but refers to "events beyond the reasonable control of the parties"[9]. The question then arises as to the inclusion of pandemic in the definition of force majeure.

Finally, what is the situation in countries where force majeure is not codified and where contracts do not stipulate a specific clause for pandemic cases? Can the doctrine of unforeseeability or even frustration come to the rescue of the parties prevented?

Legislative overview of force majeure

The notion of force majeure, a French law concept, has been widely extended in the international community[10]:

- In Europe, Spanish law mentions the doctrine of force majeure in article 1105 of the Civil Code[11], which is intended to apply only in the absence of any specific agreement to the contrary between the parties.

Italian law, while not providing a legal definition of force majeure, provides, in article 1256 of the Italian Civil Code[12], for the extinction of the obligation when, for a reason not imputable to the debtor, such performance becomes impossible.

Conversely, England and Germany have not legislated on the question of force majeure. However, the parties to a contract remain free to agree on the allocation of risk and the determination of an event of force majeure.

- In Africa, there are provisions about force majeure in the French-speaking States that have codified civil law (notably Mali, the Republic of Guinea, Senegal and Côte d'Ivoire).

Thus, Article 1128 of the Guinean Civil Code states that 'there is no liability if the harmful event is the consequence of a force majeure or a fortuitous event, that is to say, of an external, insurmountable and unforeseeable event'. [13]

The Code of Civil and Commercial Obligations of Senegal in article 126, the Code of Obligations of Mali in article 20 and the Code of Goods and Obligations of Côte d'Ivoire[14] also, retain this definition. 

In Algeria, the Civil Code provides for exemption in cases of force majeure but does not define it[15]. Nevertheless, the amended law of 28 April 2005 on hydrocarbons and the mining law of 4 July 2001 use the same definition of force majeure as in France, considering the criteria of unpredictability, irresistibility and the external nature of the event in question[16].

In Morocco, the Dahir forming the Code of Obligations and Contracts defines force majeure in Article 269 as being: "force majeure is any event that man cannot prevent, such as natural phenomena (floods, droughts, storms, fires, locusts), enemy invasion, the act of the prince, and which makes it impossible to perform the obligation. A cause that could have been avoided is not considered to be force majeure if the debtor does not show that he has taken all possible care to guard against it. A cause which was caused by a previous fault of the debtor is also not considered as force majeure” [17]It provides as follows: "No damages are payable where the debtor justifies that the non-performance or delay is due to a cause which cannot be attributed to him, such as force majeure, acts of God or the creditor's residence"[18].

Finally, as regards Tunisia, it adopts the same definition as Morocco and provides the same provisions in Articles 282 and 283 of the Code of Obligations and Contracts[19].

There are also Ohada provisions on force majeure, and in particular Articles 294 and 295 of the Revised Uniform Act on General Commercial Law, which respectively provides that "a party is not liable for non-performance of any of its obligations if it proves that such non-performance is due to an impediment beyond its control, such as, in particular, the act of a third party or a case of force majeure. A case of force majeure is an impediment that is beyond the control of the Company and which cannot reasonably be foreseen in its occurrence or its consequences", and: "when the non-performance by one of the parties results from the act of a third party entrusted by it to perform all or part of the contract, it is not exonerated from its responsibility[20].

- In Asia, Chinese law also provides for a doctrine of force majeure, which allows contracting parties to terminate a contract or excuse non-performance of certain contractual obligations in the event of force majeure or significant adverse change. Article 117 of the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China refers to "objective circumstances that are unforeseeable, unavoidable and insurmountable"[21].

China has dealt with force majeure in the context of epidemics such as SARS. In 2003, the Supreme Court of China ruled that if a contract could not be executed due to the outbreak of SARS or any administrative measures taken against SARS, this should be considered an event of force majeure[22].  Regarding the Covid-19 epidemic, the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade states that China has reportedly issued 4,811 force majeure certificates since March due to the epidemic for contracts worth 373.7 billion Chinese yuan ($53.79 billion)[23].

There is also some legal recognition of the doctrine of force majeure in Japan through Article 419-3 of the Japanese Civil Code[24], which provides that an obligation to pay a sum of money cannot be excused or waived based on force majeure unless otherwise agreed by the parties. In the absence of a force majeure clause in the contract, it is still possible to request the cancellation or suspension of the obligations or the renegotiation of the terms and conditions of the contracts[25].

- Regarding the American continent, there is no federal law in the United States governing force majeure, as matters relating thereto are governed by state law. Nevertheless, many States have adopted Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code, which governs the sale of goods and which contains a provision to the effect that in certain circumstances non-performance may be excused because of unforeseeable events beyond a party's control. For example, California has a section of the Civil Code that allows a contract to be annulled for "irresistible and overwhelming cause[26].

- Brazil has a general rule in its civil code that the defaulting party can escape liability in case of force majeure. Beyond the legal definition, the parties may extend or specify the consequences of force majeure by written agreement[27].

In the field of international law, Article 7.1.7 of the UNIDROIT Principles provides that "[t]he obligor shall be exempt from the consequences of its non-performance if it establishes that such non-performance is due to an impediment beyond its control and that it could not reasonably be expected to have taken it into account at the time of the conclusion of the contract or to have prevented or overcome it or to have prevented or overcome its consequences"[28].

Finally, in terms of arbitration, the ICC Commission on Commercial Law and Practice prepared a new force majeure clause in March 2020[29]. This model clause can either be incorporated into a contract by reference to its long version or be inserted directly into the contract in its shortened form. The model clause defines the elements of force majeure by the three classical characteristics: unpredictability, irresistibility, and externality. It provides for the suspension of performance and release from liability in the event of force majeure. Nevertheless, the party affected must mitigate the effects of force majeure.

The clause also provides a non-exhaustive list of alleged events of force majeure, including epidemics[30]. If one of the events on the list concerns the dispute, the first two criteria are presumed to be met and the affected party will only have to prove the existence of the last criterion.

As for investment arbitration, apart from the provisions of the ICL draft articles on force majeure[31], many ICSID tribunals have ruled on the notion of force majeure as a state of necessity, notably in the famous Argentine awards.

In the LG&E v. Argentina award[32], for example, the arbitral tribunal recognized the impact of the economic crisis. It accepted Argentina's defense about the state of necessity and excluded its liability for damages caused to foreign investors. 

Thus, many countries and institutions have instruments that consider and/or govern force majeure, or allow the parties to enter into contractual clauses defining and governing the consequences of force majeure.

However, their application in the current context is still uncertain. 

Overview of decisions recognizing the Covid-19 epidemic as an event of force majeure

Decisions on the legal nature of Covid-19 remain rare.

The Court of Appeal of Colmar (France) in a decision of 12 March 2020 n°20/01098 was the first to qualify the Covid-19 epidemic as force majeure[33].

In this case, it concerned a person who was unable to attend a hearing concerning his administrative detention because he had allegedly been in contact with other persons infected with the virus.

The Court sought to demonstrate that there were no possible alternatives that would have allowed the defendant to attend the hearing.

Even though this decision was not taken in the context of a contract, it highlights that the assessment of the Covid-19 epidemic as an event of force majeure is highly casuistic, and will, therefore, be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Concerning contractual relations, the President of the Paris Commercial Court, in an order dated May 20, 2020 opposing Total Direct Energie and EDF, recognized that the health crisis related to Covid-19 constituted a case of force majeure, allowing the suspension of contractual obligations. The case concerned the delivery and payment of quantities of electricity for which Total Direct Energie was liable to EDF[34].

India has also decided to recognize Covid-19 as an event of force majeure. The Delhi High Court, in a case brought by M/s Halliburton Offshore Services Inc. against Vedanta limited[35], held that the containment of Covid-19 was prima facie an event of force majeure and granted an interim injunction against the respondent's claims for bank guarantees.

This case is particularly interesting in that it concerned the extraction of oil, defined as an essential commodity. However, the Court held that "the applicant was not engaged strictly speaking in the production of oil, but rather in the drilling of wells, the activity of which is substantially (...) hampered by the imposition of containment"[36].

Pending further decisions, it must be noted that to recognize force majeure, the judges study the facts in detail, which could lead to fears that not all claims related to containment and the COVID pandemic are subject to the force majeure regime.


As analyzed above, there are other legal tools to avoid the consequences of an impediment to performance: the termination of the contract or its renegotiation.

Thus, if, for example, in England, there is no legal provision concerning force majeure, there is another concept that allows one to escape from one's obligations in the event of a significant change in the circumstances of the contract: the doctrine of frustration. It is a doctrine that developed in the wake of the 1863 Taylor v. Caldwell decision[37], which formally recognized the doctrine of frustration. In that case, two parties had entered into a contract for the rental of a music hall for the holding of concerts. After the contract was signed, but before the rental dates, the music hall burned down. The contract was held to be impossible to perform; Blackburn J. held that the absolute liability provided for in Paradine v. Jane[38] would not apply in this case because there was an implied condition that the music hall existed on the dates of the scheduled concerts. This had the effect of excusing the parties from the contract.

This doctrine defines a frustrating event as an event occurring independently of the fault of one of the parties, which significantly alters the nature of the contractual rights and/or obligations and which renders the performance of the contract by the parties unjust. Frustration leads to the termination of the contract and not to the suspension of the performance of obligations such as force majeure. However, the frustration test is very strict and therefore difficult to prove[39].

Thus, if the arrival of the coronavirus has only delayed performance of the contract or increased the costs of performance, it is unlikely that the doctrine of frustration can be applied[40].

This doctrine of frustration refers to the theory of unforeseeability, which is an alternative offered in French law since the Order No. 2016- 131 of February 10, 2016, and which allows the parties to request the revision of the contract for unforeseeability according to Article 1195 of the Civil Code[41]: in case of unforeseeable change of circumstances, the penalized party can request the renegotiation of the contract and, in case of failure, the parties may agree to the termination of the contract, at the date and under the conditions they determine. Failing this, the matter may be referred to a court for adaptation of the contract or its termination.

Thus, the contingency clause allows a party to an international contract to invoke the existence of a change of circumstances, unforeseeable at the time of the signing of the contract and which would make the performance of the contract difficult but not impossible, and which could thus lead to a renegotiation of the contract or modification, to relieve the contracting party overburdened by the circumstances[42].

[1] Decree No. 2020-293 of 23 March 2020 prescribing the general measures necessary to deal with the covid-19 epidemic in the context of a state of health emergency.

[2] Statement by Mr. Bruno Le Maire, Minister of Economy and Finance, on the economic impact of the COViD-19 epidemic, in Paris on 28 February 2020.

[3] Cass. ass. plén., 14 April 2006, n° 02-11.168 et n° 04-18.902.

[4]   Article 1218 of the French Civil Code provides that: 'There is force majeure in contractual matters when an event beyond the debtor's control, which could not reasonably have been foreseen at the time of the conclusion of the contract and the effects of which cannot be avoided by appropriate measures, prevents the performance of his obligation by the debtor (...).

[5] Cass. Com., 16 Sept. 2014, n° 13-20.306

[6] Article 1218 of the French Civil Code.

[7] [7] Cour de cassation, chambre commerciale, 8 July 1981, n°79-15626.

[8]. Will Covid-19 trigger a force majeure clause? Out-law guides, Faye Moore, Pinsent Masons.

[9] Ibid.

[10] Force majeure tracker, Baker McKenzie, May 2020

[11] Article 1105 of the Spanish Civil Code provides that "apart from the cases expressly mentioned in the law and those in which the obligation so declares, no one shall be liable for events which could not have been foreseen or which, having been foreseen, were unavoidable".

[12] provides that: 'an obligation is extinguished when, for a reason not imputable to the debtor, performance becomes impossible'.

[13]   Article 1128 of the Guinean Civil Code

[14]   Article 126 of the Code of Civil and Commercial Obligations of Senegal; Article 20 of the Code of Obligations of Mali; Article 1146 of the Code of Property and Obligations of Côte d'Ivoire.

[15] Article 127 and 138 of the Algerian Civil code.

[16] Professeur Ali Bencheneb «Le  droit  algérien  des  contrats», 2ème édition, EU de Dijon, p.  282

[17] Article 269 of the Moroccan Code of Obligations and Contracts.

[18] Article 268 of the Moroccan Code of Obligations and Contracts

[19] Articles 282 and 283 of the Tunisian Code of Obligations and Contracts.

[20] Articles 294 and 295 of the Revised Uniform Act on General Commercial Law

[21] Article 117 of the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China

[22] Opinion of the Supreme People's Court on the Trial and Application of People's Courts for the Prevention and Control of the SARS Infectious Epidemic, 11 June 2003, Article 3, §2.

[23] La semaine juridique - édition générale - N° 12 – 23 mars 2020, p. 558.

[24] Article 419-3 of the Japanese Civil Code; Force majeure tracker, Baker McKenzie, May 2020.

[25][25] COVID-19, l'antidote contractuel, Lionel Vincent, CCI France Japon ; Baker McKenzie, may 2020.

[26]  Section 1511 of the California Civil Code entitled "Causes Excusing Performance", which provides that a party's performance may be excused, in whole or in part, "when it is prevented or delayed by an irresistible, superhuman cause, or by the act of public enemies of that State or the United States, unless the parties have expressly agreed otherwise.

[27] Article 393 of the Brazilian Civil Code.

[28] Article 7.1.7  UNIDROIT principles.

[29] ICC Force Majeure and Hardship Clauses, march 2020. 

[30] Force majeure clause, article 3, e),  long version, ICC.

[31] Article 23 of ICL drafts articles.

[32] LG&E Energy Corporation v. Argentine Republic, ICSID Case No. TRA / 02/01, Price, July 25, 2007, ¶ 109

[33] Cour d’appel de Colmar, 12 march 2020 n°20/01098.

[34] Tribunal de commerce de Paris, Ordonnance de référé du 20 May 2020, RG n°2020016407.

[35] High Court of Delhi, New Delhi, M/s Halliburton Offshore Services Inc. c. Vedanta Limited, 20 Avril 2020, 697/2020

[36] Ibid.

[37] Taylor v. Caldwell, England and Wales High Court (Queen's Bench Division), 6 May 1863

[38] Paradine v. Jane, England and Wales High Court (King's Bench Division), 26 march 1647

[39] Force majeure, dictionary Thomson Reuters, Practical Law.

[40] Force majeure/hardship clauses and frustration in English law contracts amid COVID-19, Norton Rose Fulbright, May 2020.

[41] Article 1195 of French Civil Code.

[42] Mestre J., Les principales clauses des contrats d'affaires, déc. 2018, Lextenso

29 juin 2020


Caroline Duclercq has been named for the third year in the 11th edition of the ranking of French lawyers recognized by their peers in the "arbitration and mediation" category by the American legal journal Best Lawyers.



29 juin 2020


Following the 4th edition of the SCLA Global Forum, a report on third party funding in Arbitration was published in the Journal of Swiss Chinese Law review, in which several legal specialists address the issues of third-party funding.

Caroline Duclercq notably dealt with the French perspective and ICC practice on third party funding.

French perspective

From French perspective, there is no legal regulation on Third-Party Funding under French domestic law. Since there is no legal prohibition, it is considered authorized. In International Arbitration Parties use more and more Third-Party Funding for the following reasons: to finance the Arbitration proceedings, to reduce the risk of having to pay a high awarded to the Claimant or as counterclaims to the Respondent (TPF may not only relate to legal fees, but – particularly on the Defendant’s side also to the risk related to the merits of the case, i.e. having to pay the amount awarded) or to benefit of the Third-Party Funder’s expertise in the enforcement of the award. Although, there exists no legal regulation of Third-Party Funding in French law, in November 2015, the National Council of Bars passed a resolution recalling that the counsel should remain independent towards the Third- Party Funder. This has the following implications: the counsel should remain bound only by the client’s instructions which is of particular importance since the Third-Party Funder may try to interfere with the proceedings and have a lead on the strategy. And the professional secrecy of lawyers only applies to the relation client/lawyer and not to the relation Third-Party Funder/lawyer.

ICC practice

Regarding the ICC-Rules and Practice, it can be observed that there is no provision on Third-Party Funding in the ICC-Rules. However, the ICC Guidance Note for the disclosure of conflicts of interest by Arbitrators according to which the Arbitrators - when declaring their statement of independence and impartiality and assessing whether to make a disclosure - should consider relationships between Arbitrators, as well as relationships with any entity having a direct economic interest in the dispute. Thus, Arbitrators shall declare whether they have relationships with a Third-Party Fund. For the future, there is discussion within the ICC whether to provide for an obligation in the Rules for the Parties to disclose whether they use Third-Party Funding.

what to be regulated in the future?

The question what are the main issues that shall be regulated? The first issue is conflicts of interest. Since Arbitrators shall submit a complete statement of independence and impartiality, the ICC informs them about all the Parties involved. The question then arise whether the Arbitrators need to be informed of the use of Third-Party Funding and the identity of the Fund. In order for the ICC to provide this information, the Parties shall be obliged to disclose the existence of Third-Party Funding and the identity of the fund before the constitution of the Arbitral tribunal. Only then, the Arbitrators can submit a complete disclosure. Disclosure after the constitution of the Arbitral tribunal involves the risk of having to recall an Arbitrator.

The second issue is who is the real party to the arbitration proceedings. In a recent case, the Respondent requested the arbitral tribunal to join a “Third-Party Fund” as a co-claimant. The arbitral tribunal refused to join the “Third-Party Fund” since it was not a party to the arbitration clause which could also not be extended to it. Therefore, it has no rights and obligations towards the respondent because the assignment of the claim in dispute by the claimant depends on the future decision of the Arbitral tribunal and the Third-Party Fund did not have any control on the proceedings. Therefore, different arbitral tribunals may reach a different conclusion where the assignment of the claim in dispute is effective before the initiation of the proceedings and where the “Third-Party Fund” may exercise complete control on the proceedings.

11 juin 2020


Four female arbitration practitioners have launched a Parisian disputes boutique called Medici, promising to donate a portion of their client fees to help promote gender equality. 

Medici was launched late last month by a four-partner team featuring Marie-Laure Bizeau, who joins from Derains & Gharavi, Valence Borgia from K&L Gates, Caroline Duclercq from Parisian boutique Altana and Delphine Pujos, who previously worked at Linklaters. 

The firm will act in commercial and investment disputes across a range of sectors while the partners will continue to accept arbitrator appointments.

The four partners have also launched a charitable fund to which they will donate 10% of their fees unless instructed otherwise by clients. The fund will promote gender equality and fight against all forms of violence and discrimination against women, both in France and internationally.

Bizeau tells GAR that the four founding partners have been “discussing the idea for years,” having all had the opportunity to work with each other at various points in their careers. She says they had wanted to create a firm that would “resonate with who we are and what we stand for.” 

“I look forward to this adventure,” she adds. 

This is the second firm that Bizeau has helped launch, having been a founding member of Derains Gharavi & Lazareff – now Derains & Gharavi – when it opened in 2009. She was promoted to partner there in 2018.

Hamid Gharavi says that Bizeau is a “terrific lawyer” who “contributed immensely” to the firm. “We thank her and wish her well.”

Like the other founders of Medici, Bizeau has a lot of experience in Africa-related disputes. She previously helped Lebanese investors win an ICSID award against the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The award withstood a subsequent annulment bid. 

Other work includes acting in a €240 million UNCITRAL claim against Gabon; defending Qatar in a €100 million ICC claim over a waste facility; and representing a mining investor in the Paris Court of Appeal in its attempt to revive a billion-dollar claim against Uzbekistan.

Bizeau has been a visiting lecturer on international and domestic arbitration at the University of Montpellier since 2014.

Borgia began her career in 2007 at Eversheds in Paris. Two years later she moved to K&L Gates, where she was promoted to counsel in 2017. 

She is qualified in Paris and New York and focuses on commercial disputes. Her experience includes acting in a €90 million ICC arbitration between a company and an African state relating to game farming. She acted in two other ICC cases concerning industrial equipment and an aircraft purchase contract. 

In 2018, Borgia was part of a group of lawyers that submitted a report to the Paris Bar Council recommending the implementation of a proactive policy to combat harassment and sexual violence. She is a co-founder of the Women's Foundation.

Borgia says she is “thrilled that our project is becoming a reality.”

Duclercq started out in 2002 at Cabinet Lazareff, founded by the late French arbitrator Serge Lazareff. Like Bizeau, she helped launch Derains Gharavi & Lazareff in 2009 before following Lazareff to his next firm, Lazareff Le Bars. 

In 2012, Duclercq joined Parisian disputes boutique Altana. A spokesperson said the firm wishes her success in her new venture. 

Duclercq has particular experience in arbitrations relating to engineering and construction contracts – particularly under FIDIC Rules – and acted in an ICC dispute between Lebanese and UAE companies over a pipeline project. 

Along with Bizeau, she is listed as a future leader by Who’s Who Legal.

Pujos’s practice focuses more on litigation, but she has still acted in several commercial ICC disputes. These include two cases concerning African states relating to a mining contract termination and an agreement related to the supply of electricity.

Pujos began her career at Linklaters in 2004 and – aside from a three-year spell at Debevoise & Plimpton in Paris and New York – remained there until 2018, when she became a sole practitioner. 

Linklaters arbitration co-head Roland Ziadé says he is pleased to see former colleague Pujos join forces with the other Medici co-founders, who he is also acquainted with.

“It’s great to see such a new boutique firm burgeoning in Paris, showing both the dynamism of the French arbitration scene and the increasing prominence of talented women in the arbitration community.”

“I wish all four of them and their new firm Medici the very best!”


11 juin 2020


Four female arbitration and litigation specialists have formed a new disputes boutique firm in Paris.

Medici Law, which according to one of the partners opened for business on Monday, was founded by Marie-Laure Bizeau, Valence Borgia, Caroline Duclercq and Delphine Pujos, who will share duties as partners.

All bring extensive experience with major law firms and in international arbitration, and a commitment to pro bono work and supporting social causes.

Borgia comes from K&L Gates, where she practiced for 11 years in litigation and arbitration, rising to counsel. She also had stints at Eversheds Sutherland and was a trainee at Shearman & Sterling.

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Pujos, who had her own firm, practised previously at Linklaters and at Debevoise & Plimpton, while Bizeau comes from arbitration specialist Derains & Gharavi International, where she practiced for 11 years, rising to partner.

Duclercq comes from Altana, where she was a partner for eight years, after also practising at Derains Gharavi.

“We grew up together, professionally, and have wanted for a long time to create our dream firm: one where we could choose our partners, choose how we serve our clients, and bring a flexibility and an agility to arbitration practice,” Borgia said.

Their plans became more concrete toward the end of 2019, well before the COVID-19 crisis emerged, Borgia said.

She believes that Medici’s approach would be particularly well-timed now as companies confront their need for conflict resolution against the backdrop of the global pandemic.

“We can make the process lighter and less cumbersome for companies,” she said, noting that she and Duclercq created a professional group, Wake Up Arbitration, seven years ago to study how the practice could evolve.

The partners propose to donate 10% of their fees, subject to prior client consent, to an endowment fund for organizations that work for equal opportunity and against discrimination and violence.

“In the coming months and years, we will be very busy with the firm and client work, so we will have less time for pro bono,” Borgia said. “The fund is one way we can continue to contribute.”

In France, lawyers have been slowly returning to work as the nation lifts lockdown restrictions. https://www.law.com/international-edition/2020/06/10/disputes-specialists-launch-all-women-paris-boutique/?slreturn=20200511040008
