Do not miss the conference organized by Droit & Procédure and Paris City of Law on “The Effective Examination of a Witness in Litigation” on Thursday, March 24, 2022, the event taking place from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m, at Debevoise & Plimpton’s Paris office.
The panel will be comprised of renowned and experienced practitioners: Frédérick Favre, Jean-Yves Garaud, Iona Knoll-Tudor, Alexis Werl and Christian Wiest, reunited to share their experience with the participants, and will be moderated by Valence Borgia.
This round table will be the opportunity to shed some light on the examination of witnesses, experts or parties thanks to experienced practitioners – a tool which is already available for litigation lawyers but which is not used as often as it could be.
This event also aims to discuss the new standards that could and/or should emerge in the future in this area.
Do not hesitate to join us for this conference which should be fascinating!
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