Caroline Duclercq will participate, from May 31 to June 2, 2023, in the 7th ICC Africa Arbitration Conference in Lagos organized by the ICC Nigeria Commission on Arbitration & ADR, in partnership with the ICC International Court of Arbitration in Paris and the Nigerian Bar Association, on the topic: “INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION AND ADR: THE AFRICAN JOURNEY SO FAR AND LOOKING FORWARD”. She will speak at the panel “AFRICAN DOCTRINE REGARDING INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION: A NECESSARY REVOLUTION” on Thursday 1 June 2023 alongside Clémence Assou, Habibatou Touré, Alain Fénéon, Adama Soro and Alexandre Vaggenheim.
There will also be distinguished professors, colleagues and jurists, and in particular: Claudia Salomon, Diamana Diawara, Ghiyta Iraqi, Achilles Ngwanza, Mouhamed Kebe, Joachim Bile Aka, Mohamed Shelbaya, George Bermann, Marily Paralika, Thomas Kendra, Charles Nairac, Alexander Fessas, Sabrina Aïnouz, Michael Ostrove, Samantha Nataf, Clement Fouchard, Sylvie Bebohi, Pierre Daureu, Chérine Ftouki.
All program information and registration can be found at: