Valence Borgia, partner at Medici Law firm, spoke on 25 January 2023 at the annual ceremony against ordinary sexism in business organised by the French Association of Diversity Managers (AFMD) in partnership with the teams of the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty.
Launched in 2018, the #StOpE initiative, under the high patronage of Isabelle Rome, Minister Delegate in charge of Equality between women and men, aims to pool energies in order to fight against ordinary sexism in companies and to spread actions on this subject. Today, more than 200 companies are signatories to the project.
During her speech, Valence Borgia highlighted the importance of the law in the fight against sexism by presenting the various victories of the Women's Foundation's (Fondation des Femmes) Legal Force, an association of which she is a board member.
You can watch Valence's intervention here.