Caroline Duclercq, partner at Medici, will speak on 7 July 2022 on "Set-off of claims recognized by the arbitrator and the state judge" during the Colloquium on arbitration and debt collection under OHADA law organized in Lomé on 7 and 8 July 2022 under the scientific direction of Dr. Achille Ngwanza.
During this colloquium, various topics will be discussed, including "Expedited arbitration procedures for debt collection", "The debt and investment arbitration", "The debt assessed by the arbitrator and collective proceedings", "Arbitration or court proceedings for debt collection, what to choose?", "The arbitral penalty", "The immediate payment of the arbitral debt", "The interim payment of the arbitral debt".
Among others, the imminent colleagues and professors will be present, namely Pr Akuété SANTOS, Me Abbé YAO, M. Ngueto Tiraina YAMBAYE, Mme Esther MOUTNGUI, M. Calixte APEMAGNON, Pr Emmanuel Sibidi DARANKOUM, Pr Dorothé COSSI SOSS, Pr Walid BEN HAMIDA, Jackson Francis NGNIE KAMGA, Me Mouhamed KEBE, M. Romuald Franck DZOMO, Me Nadine DOSSOU SAKPONOU, Me Coco KAYUDI MISAMU, Me Joachim BILE AKA, Narcisse AKA, Komlan Espoir ASSOGBAVI, Drissa COULIBALY, Diamana DIAWARA, David NYAMSI, Me Pierre KASONGO, Me Vanessa de HAPPI, Dr Sylvie BEBOHI EBONGO, M. Aristide Agbegnigan ASSIOBO, Claude COELHO, Pr Mayatta MBAYE NDIAYE.
Click here for the colloquium program.