The Checklist outlines best practices, methods and tools available to assist parties in selecting arbitrators. Relying on objective criteria, it aims to promote efficiency and diversity in the arbitrator selection process. To access the Checklist, click here: https://cdn1.arbitralwomen.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/ERA-France-guidelines-ENGLISH.pdf.
The Survey explores the criteria applied and methods adopted by arbitration users when nominating arbitrators. The resulting data will provide new insights about and perspectives on the arbitrator selection process. To take the survey (in French only), click here: https://fr.surveymonkey.com/r/T27TLZZ.
Learn more about these initiatives in an article written by ArbitralWomen Board member Maria Beatriz Burghetto here: https://www.arbitralwomen.org/checklist-of-best-practices-for-the-selection-of-arbitrators-and-survey/.