Medici is proud to announce the nomination of its partners Marie-Laure Bizeau, Valence Borgia, and Caroline Duclercq in the Best Lawyers in France 2025 rankings for their expertise in the "Arbitration and Mediation" category. Caroline Duclercq and Marie-Laure Bizeau are also listed in this ranking as Best Lawyers in the "International Arbitration" category, and Valence Borgia in the "Litigation" category.

Caroline Duclercq, Marie-Laure Bizeau, and Valence Borgia are also featured in the "Arbitration" category of the Who’s Who Legal 2024 ranking.

Additionally, the firm is recognized by the 2024 edition of Legal 500 Paris in the "Dispute Resolution: International Arbitration" category.

These recognitions are the result of the collective work of all the firm's lawyers, whom we sincerely thank! We also warmly thank our clients and peers for their trust.

Links to the Best Lawyers rankings:

Links to Who’s Who Legal 2024:

Link to the 2024 edition of Legal 500: